GROHE Sense Guard Controlador de abastecimento de água GROHE Sense Guard 230V

Número do produto
PVPR (IVA excl.)

GROHE Sense Guard - the smart water controller for enhanced water security

Welcome to GROHE Sense Guard – the innovative smart water control system that is a real life-changer. The German-made device monitors the flow, pressure and temperature of water in the pipes 24/7. One look at your smartphone tells you all you need to know! The Aquablock function shuts off the water automatically if a pipe bursts*. Even micro leaks** – which can go unnoticed for a long time and lead to lasting damage – are identified. That means total peace of mind even when you are away from home or on holiday! The smart Aqua IQ function learns your patterns of water consumption and detects anomalies*** and AquaTrack generates a comprehensive picture of your household usage. The risk of frost damage is reduced as GROHE Sense Guard also assesses water temperature and alerts you if it might freeze. The GROHE Sense app is the hub of the system. It takes seconds to download and gives you instant control, allowing you to monitor your water supply, customize your settings and also turn off the water manually. For a qualified installer, fitting GROHE Sense Guard is a simple job using the wall-mount set (22501000). Installation by one of GROHE´s Water Security Experts ensures reliable product operation. * GROHE defines a pipe burst as a complete hole or crack in the downstream piping system that results in an unintended release of water at close to maximum flow rate. Pipe burst detection depends on the general water usage profile so the time-lag to shut-off can vary significantly. During the delay water might escape. Achieve a higher detection speed by combining the installation with GROHE Sense at critical locations. ** A micro leak test is conducted once every 24 hours. Pipe material, volume and other piping system characteristics can impact the result. Micro leak detection is limited to the cold water system in most cases. Combine with GROHE Sense to monitor potential humidity increases over time. *** Detection speed depends on the water usage profile of the house. Achieve a higher detection speed by combining the installation with GROHE Sense at critical locations.

  • Para rede Wireless, alimentação de 230 V
  • Para habitações familiares
  • Deteta ruturas na tubagem, micro fugas, risco de congelamento e anomalias no fluxo de água
  • Corte de abastecimento de água automático, manual ou remoto, de modo a prevenir os eventuais danos causados pela água
  • mede o caudal, a pressão da água e a temperatura do sistema
  • monitoriza o consumo de água
  • Receba notificações e configure as definições através da GROHE Sense App
  • indicação de status através de luz LED, vibração e notificações
  • wireless LAN 2.4 GHz, WPA/WPA2 protegida
  • Instalação horizontal ou vertical logo após o contador da água
  • É recomendado o uso do conjunto de fixação 22 501 000, o qual deve ser adquirido separadamente
  • inclui porcas de montagem R3 / 4 ", cabo de alimentação extensível de 0,7 m, tipo de tomada C
  • Classificação de ruído 1, de acordo com a norma DIN4109, certificado incluído
  • para ser instalados apenas na tubagem de água fria
  • Aprovado pela CE
  • Made in Germany
Pos.-Nr. Descrição de prod. N.º da encomenda.
* Acessórios Opcionais
1 GROHE Sense Guard fonte de aliment. EU 48373LN0
2 Conjunto de fixação 48358000
3 Conjunto de fixação 22 500 LN0 22501000*
4 Extensão de alimentação 22521LN0*

Installation Instructions