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Misturando a sobriedade com a emoção.

Enraizada na filosofia do Minimalismo Sensual, a Veris une a sobriedade à emoção. As curvas sinuosas vão ao encontro dos traços suaves criando uma forma intemporal e apelativa. Fazendo eco do mesmo ADN das nossas premiadas colecções GROHE Ondus®, a Veris estende esta filosofia estética única a uma audiência mais vasta.

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Variantes do produto


O ADN do design GROHE traz harmonia às colecções GROHE SPA™, o que se pode observar exemplarmente na GROHE Veris. Os manípulos em forma de losango dão um suave encanto arquitectónico às torneiras e as bicas têm uma confortável inclinação de 7°, sendo ambos rodeados na base por anéis que destacam o seu objectivo.

Veris F-digital 5-hole bath/shower combination

So many ways to fill a bath...

Three, four and five-hole bath combinations offer a discreet solution and include the added convenience of a retractable hand shower – perfect for washing off a face treatment, cleansing your hair or even rinsing the tub.

Veris F-digital 2-hole basin mixer

Find the right faucet for your basin

The GROHE Veris two-hole wall-mounted basin mixer is available with a choice of spout lengths: 170 mm and 220 mm.

Veris Thermostats

Veris thermostatic mixers ensure the temperature you select remains constant for the duration of your shower. No shocks, no surprises, just a constant stream of perfectly mixed water at the temperature of your choosing.

Veris Accessories

Veris Accessories

Created following the same principles as our GROHE Ondus® and Veris collections, this visually enticing range of accessories embraces the lozenge shape and includes all the essential elements required to create an architectural-style bathing space.

GROHE offers a wide choice of coordinated showers and bath accessories.

Rainshower F-series

Rainshower F-series

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F-digital deluxe

F-digital deluxe

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Arena Cosmopolitan

Arena Cosmopolitan

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